Monday, March 28, 2011

After I attended Business Leadership Series Talk on 2nd March ...

Business Leadership Series is a talk about the people who are success 
in their business, and they are invited to Inti International 
University to share their Experience. 

On this March 2nd, Inti International University are invite the Managing Director of Malaysia Airlines- Mr.Lim Eng Weng to present their experience in managing a company. 

Mr.Lim share about how he success in managing a business and his story. Mr.Lim did't went to College or University when he is small, because his family environment is not good. He say the paragraph is so good, WINNER DID NOT DO DIFFERENT THING, BUT THEY DO DIFFERENT!. Mr.Lim started his first job in RICOH as a worker. He will finish the job as perfectly as possibly.   

At last, the thing i learn from Mr.Lim is when we have the problem, we cannot leave that problem away, we must solve that problem even if that problem so hard to solve. We must face the problem by ourself, than only will learn about what we did wrong for future wont do it wrong again.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Who is the excellent blogger that admire?

The blogger which i admire is the Lamborghini blog. That is because there has most new information about the Lamborghini, and will update when the latest thing coming out.

this is the Lamborghini blog interface